About Us

Barns Green Players have been around for 40 years. Over the years we have put on countless performances ranging from Shakespeare to pantomimes. We hope that those who support us regularly would agree that we always strive to make our performances as professional as possible.

As past participants in local drama festivals we have won awards for acting, directing and set and costume design. We have also, on several occasions, won through to higher rounds of drama competitions and performed in professional theatres such as Fairfield Halls in Croydon. As entrants in drama festivals we have tried our hand at more challenging works and have learnt a great deal about acting and directing.

We are not a large group but are lucky to have such skilled and committed members. Our talented backstage crew design sets and costumes but everyone gets involved with painting, sewing and making tea!

We are always looking for people to help in any of the following areas:-

•Social Committee
•Child Protection
•Junior Players
•Grant Applications
•Future Programmes

We aim to put on at least two or three performance every year; a comedy two-act play as part of a 'bring your own supper evening', a pantomime and more recently a junior production. We also have regular social events, such as theatre trips, bowling and go-karting.

We now have 25 junior members ranging in age from 10 to 16 and they are also encouraged to become involved in our pantomimes and a summer production which is solely for the junior players. The safety of all children involved is ensured by our adherence to the terms and conditions laid down in our Child Protection Policy, which complies with national drama society guidelines.

Barns Green Players are always ready to welcome new members of all ages, whether on stage or behind the scenes. Involvement in amateur theatre offers the perfect release from the stresses of everyday life and is a fun way to meet new friends.

At the end of each production we have a party that always sees the backstage crew dress up in costumes and sing a song from the show.

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